PYTHON DJANGO Framework & Rest API Full Stack Developer

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Overview of Python

Python is an effective, multipurpose programming language created by Guido van Rossum. The simple syntax of this programming language makes it a popular first choice for novices. This thorough placement and training program outlines the value of learning Python as well as how to get started and become an expert in the language.

Python is an object-oriented, interpreted high-level programming language. Because of its versatility, it may be applied to a wide range of tasks, such as scientific and mathematical computation, desktop GUI programming, and web development.

Python is renowned for having syntax that is simple to read and comprehend. Because it’s easy to read, we can focus more on the issue at hand rather than the code structure, which increases productivity.

Django Framework – Software Engineer

Easy to understand and grasp Python: The syntax of Django is simple yet sophisticated. Comparing Python – Django to other programming languages like C, C++, or Java, the former is far simpler to read and write. As a result, Python – Django is often taught to beginners as their first programming language. Python – Django apps are free to use and distribute, even for business purposes, as they are open-source and free software. Python: Because Django’s source code is open-source, you can even modify it to fit your needs. Mobility, Multiple platforms can be operated by a single Python application without requiring changes to the source code. It works with almost any operating system, including Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows. Python code is flexible and embeddable, and it may be coupled with other programming languages like

Why should you take Python ?

Acquiring knowledge Python is a very useful programming language that is utilized in many different fields. It is perfect for newcomers because of its readability and ease of use. Python offers a vibrant community and a wealth of resources, such as frameworks and libraries, which speed up development. It is extensively utilized in the highly sought-after fields of machine learning and data analysis. Knowing Python improves employment possibilities and opens up job opportunities in many different areas. Overall, learning Python is a great idea because to its ease of use, robust community, abundance of resources, versatility, and professional prospects.

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What Will You Learn?

  • Python Fundamentals: This course covers the syntax, data types, functions, and modules of the Python programming language.
  • The fundamentals of web development: be familiar with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Frontend Frameworks: To create interactive user interfaces, get proficient with frontend frameworks like Angular.js and React.js.
  • Learn backend development by utilizing Python frameworks such as Flask and Django.
  • Database Systems: Gain knowledge of database systems, including their creation, maintenance, and querying.
  • Full Stack Development: To become a full stack developer, you must have a thorough understanding of both frontend and backend programming.

Course Content


  • Draft Lesson
  • Test